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Xbox 360 and Live Authoring Submission Tool: Everything You Need to Know

Xbox 360 And Live Authoring Submission Tool: A Guide for Developers

If you are a game or app developer for the Xbox 360 platform, you may want to use the Xbox 360 and live authoring submission tool to create and submit packages for your titles, and to access various Xbox Live features. This tool allows you to easily package your content into a binary file that can be installed on an Xbox 360 console or a Windows PC, and to test it before submitting it to Microsoft for publishing. You can also use this tool to update your existing packages, add new features such as leaderboards, achievements, cloud storage, etc., and manage your title's metadata.

Xbox 360 and live authoring submission tool

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In this article, we will explain what the Xbox 360 and live authoring submission tool is, what are its benefits, how to get started with it, how to create a package for your Xbox 360 game or app, how to submit it to Xbox Live, how to update it or add new features, what are some of the common errors and solutions, what are some of the best practices, and where to find more resources and guidance.

What is the Xbox 360 and live authoring submission tool?

The Xbox 360 and live authoring submission tool is a tool that enables game developers to create their own tools for the Xbox Live service and access ones created by Microsoft. It consists of two main components: MakePkg.exe and Submission Validator.exe.

MakePkg.exe is a command-line tool that places content into a binary packaged file, referred to as an Xbox Virtual Container (XVC). XVCs for console have the file name extension of .xvc and for PC have the file name extension of .msixvc. MakePkg.exe uses your title's content and a mapping file as input to produce packages that are encrypted with either a well-known test key, a randomly generated key, or a stable-key safe for encryption. The key used for encryption depends on whether the package will be used for local testing or submission to Microsoft for publishing.

The mapping file is an XML file that specifies the location of files that will be available to the title at runtime, as well as the chunk file that each file belongs to. A chunk is a logical grouping of files that can be installed separately from other chunks. A set of chunks, known as the launch set, are always installed before a title is allowed to run. The remaining chunks are installed while the title is running. APIs are available to query the progress of chunk installation and to modify the installation order of chunks that aren't yet installed.

Submission Validator.exe is a graphical user interface (GUI) tool that validates your title's launch chunks against Microsoft's requirements for streaming installation packages. It also verifies that your title's metadata is correct and consistent. The metadata includes information such as the title ID, the title name, the publisher name, the genre, the rating, the description, the icon, the screenshots, etc. Submission Validator.exe also generates a report that summarizes the validation results and any errors or warnings that may need to be fixed before submission.

Both MakePkg.exe and Submission Validator.exe are part of the Xbox 360 and live authoring submission tool package, which can be downloaded from the Xbox Live Developer Portal. You will need to sign in with your Microsoft account and accept the terms of use before you can access the download link. You will also need to have a valid Xbox Live developer account and a registered Xbox 360 console or a Windows PC with the Xbox Live Development Kit (XDK) installed.

What are the benefits of using the Xbox 360 and live authoring submission tool?

Using the Xbox 360 and live authoring submission tool has several benefits for game developers, such as:

  • It simplifies the packaging and submission process for your Xbox 360 titles, reducing the time and effort required to publish your games or apps on Xbox Live.

  • It allows you to test your packages locally on your console or PC before submitting them to Microsoft, ensuring that they meet the quality and performance standards expected by Xbox Live users.

  • It enables you to update your packages easily and efficiently, without requiring a full re-download of your title by users. You can use sub-file updates to modify individual files within a package, or delta packages to update only the differences between two versions of a package.

  • It gives you access to various Xbox Live features that can enhance your title's functionality and user experience, such as leaderboards, achievements, cloud storage, multiplayer matchmaking, voice chat, etc. You can use the Xbox Live Creators Program and the Xbox Live services API to integrate these features into your title.

How to get started with the Xbox 360 and live authoring submission tool?

To get started with the Xbox 360 and live authoring submission tool, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Download and install the Xbox 360 and live authoring submission tool package from the Xbox Live Developer Portal. You will need to sign in with your Microsoft account and accept the terms of use before you can access the download link.

  • Register your Xbox 360 console or Windows PC as a development device on the Xbox Live Developer Portal. You will need to have a valid Xbox Live developer account and a device ID for your console or PC. You can find your device ID by running XDKLauncher.exe on your console or PC.

  • Create a title ID for your game or app on the Xbox Live Developer Portal. You will need to provide some basic information about your title, such as its name, genre, rating, description, icon, screenshots, etc. You will also need to choose a submission option for your title: either Managed Partner Program (MPP) or Creators Program (CP). MPP titles are subject to Microsoft's certification process and have access to all Xbox Live features. CP titles are self-published by developers and have access to a subset of Xbox Live features.

  • Create a mapping file for your title using an XML editor. The mapping file specifies the location of files that will be available to your title at runtime, as well as the chunk file that each file belongs to. You can use the sample mapping files provided in the Xbox 360 and live authoring submission tool package as templates for creating your own mapping file.

How to create a package for your Xbox 360 game or app?

To create a package for your Xbox 360 game or app using MakePkg.exe, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Prepare your title's content files in a folder on your PC. These files include any assets, executables, libraries, configuration files, etc., that are required by your title. Make sure that these files match the ones specified in your mapping file.

  • Open a command prompt window and navigate to the folder where MakePkg.exe is located. This folder is usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Corporation\Xbox 360 And Live Authoring Submission Tool\bin.

Run MakePkg.exe with the appropriate parameters for creating your package. The syntax for MakePkg.exe is: MakePkg.exe [-t] [-k] [-s] [-o] [-v] [-c] [-d] [-l] [-m] [-n] [-r] [-x] <mapping_file> <output_file>


  • -t specifies whether the package is for console or PC. The default value is console. To create a package for PC, use -t PC.

  • -k specifies the key file to use for encryption. The default value is testkey.xvc, which is a well-known test key that can be used for local testing. To create a package for submission, use -k stablekey.xvc, which is a stable-key safe for encryption. You can also use -k randomkey.xvc to generate a random key for encryption.

  • -s specifies the size of the package in bytes. The default value is 0, which means that the size will be determined automatically based on the content files. You can use -s to specify a fixed size for your package, but make sure that it is large enough to fit all the content files.

  • -o specifies the offset of the package in bytes. The default value is 0, which means that the package will start at the beginning of the output file. You can use -o to specify a different offset for your package, but make sure that it does not overlap with any other data in the output file.

  • -v specifies whether to enable verbose mode. The default value is false. To enable verbose mode, use -v true. This will print more information about the packaging process to the console.

  • -c specifies whether to compress the content files using LZMA compression. The default value is false. To enable compression, use -c true. This will reduce the size of your package, but may increase the packaging time and the CPU usage of your title.

  • -d specifies whether to delete the content files after packaging. The default value is false. To delete the content files, use -d true. This will save disk space on your PC, but make sure that you have a backup copy of your content files before using this option.

  • -l specifies whether to create a log file with detailed information about the packaging process. The default value is false. To create a log file, use -l true. The log file will be named MakePkg.log and will be saved in the same folder as MakePkg.exe.

  • -m specifies whether to merge multiple packages into one output file. The default value is false. To merge multiple packages, use -m true and provide multiple mapping files as input. Make sure that each mapping file has a unique title ID and that each package has a different offset in the output file.

  • -n specifies whether to create a new output file or append to an existing one. The default value is false, which means that a new output file will be created and any existing data will be overwritten. To append to an existing output file, use -n true and make sure that there is enough space in the output file for your package.

  • -r specifies whether to create a report file with summary information about the packaging process. The default value is false. To create a report file, use -r true. The report file will be named MakePkg.rpt and will be saved in the same folder as MakePkg.exe.

  • -x specifies whether to extract the content files from an existing package. The default value is false. To extract the content files, use -x true and provide an existing package as input instead of a mapping file. The content files will be extracted to a folder named after the title ID of the package.

  • <mapping_file> specifies the path and name of the mapping file to use as input for creating or extracting a package.

  • <output_file> specifies the path and name of the output file to create or append a package.

For example, to create a package for console using testkey.xvc and automatic size and offset, you can run: MakePkg.exe MyGame.xml MyGame.xvc

To create a package for PC using stablekey.xvc and fixed size and offset, you can run: MakePkg.exe -t PC -k stablekey.xvc -s 4294967296 -o 1048576 MyGame.xml MyGame.msixvc

To extract the content files from an existing package, you can run: MakePkg.exe -x true MyGame.xvc

To merge two packages into one output file, you can run: MakePkg.exe -m true MyGame1.xml MyGame2.xml MyGames.xvc

How to submit your package to Xbox Live?

To submit your package to Xbox Live using Submission Validator.exe and the Xbox Live Developer Portal, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Run Submission Validator.exe and select your title ID from the drop-down list. If you don't see your title ID, you can add it manually by clicking on the Add button and entering your title ID and name.

  • Select your package file from the Browse button and click on the Validate button. Submission Validator.exe will validate your package against Microsoft's requirements and generate a report that shows the validation results and any errors or warnings that may need to be fixed before submission.

  • Review the report and fix any errors or warnings that may prevent your package from being accepted by Microsoft. You can also view the details of your package, such as its size, chunks, files, metadata, etc., by clicking on the View Package button.

  • Once your package passes the validation, you can submit it to Xbox Live by clicking on the Submit button. Submission Validator.exe will upload your package to the Xbox Live Developer Portal and launch your web browser to complete the submission process.

  • On the Xbox Live Developer Portal, sign in with your Microsoft account and select your title from the dashboard. You will see a list of submissions for your title, including the one that you just uploaded. Click on the Edit button to review and edit your submission details, such as the submission type, the release date, the availability regions, the pricing, etc.

  • When you are ready to submit your package to Microsoft for publishing, click on the Submit button. You will see a confirmation message that your submission has been received and is pending approval. You can track the status of your submission on the dashboard or by email notifications.

  • Once your submission is approved by Microsoft, your package will be published on Xbox Live and available for download by users. You can also view the performance and feedback of your title on the dashboard or by using analytics tools such as Xbox Live Analytics or Application Insights.

How to update your package or add new features?

To update your package or add new features using the Xbox 360 and live authoring submission tool, you have two options: sub-file updates or delta packages.

Sub-file updates

Sub-file updates allow you to modify individual files within a package without requiring a full re-download of the package by users. This is useful for small updates that do not affect the overall structure or functionality of your title. To use sub-file updates, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Modify the content files that you want to update in your title's folder on your PC. Make sure that these files match the ones specified in your mapping file.

Run MakePkg.exe with the -u parameter to create an update package that contains only the modified files. The syntax for MakePkg.exe with -u is: MakePkg.exe -u <original_package> <mapping_file> <output_file>


  • -u specifies that an update package will be created.

  • <original_package> specifies the path and name of the original package that you want to update.

  • <mapping_file> specifies the path and name of the mapping file that contains the modified files.

  • <output_file> specifies the path and name of the output file that will contain the update package.

For example, to create an update package for MyGame.xvc using MyGame.xml and MyGameUpdate.xvc as output, you can run: MakePkg.exe -u MyGame.xvc MyGame.xml MyGameUpdate.xvc

  • Run Submission Validator.exe and select your title ID from the drop-down list. If you don't see your title ID, you can add it manually by clicking on the Add button and entering your title ID and name.

  • Select your update package file from the Browse button and click on the Validate button. Submission Validator.exe will validate your update package against Microsoft's requirements and generate a report that shows the validation results and any errors or warnings that may need to be fixed before submission.

  • Review the report and fix any errors or warnings that may prevent your update package from being accepted by Microsoft. You can also view the details of your update package, such as its size, files, metadata, etc., by clicking on the View Package button.

  • Once your update package passes the validation, you can submit it to Xbox Live by clicking on the Submit button. Submission Validator.exe will upload your update package to the Xbox Live Developer Portal and launch your web browser to complete the submission process.

  • On the Xbox Live Developer Portal, sign in with your Microsoft account and select your title from the dashboard. You will see a list of submissions for your title, including the one that you just uploaded. Click on the Edit button to review and edit your submission details, such as the submission type, the release date, the availability regions, the pricing, etc.

  • When you are ready to submit your update package to Microsoft for publishing, click on the Submit button. You will see a confirmation message that your submission has been received and is pending approval. You can track the status of your submission on the dashboard or by email notifications.

  • Once your submission is approved by Microsoft, your update package will be published on Xbox Live and available for download by users. Users who have already installed your original package will receive a notification that an update is available and will be able to download and install it without re-downloading the entire package. Users who have not installed your original package will receive both the original and the update packages when they download your title.

Delta packages

Delta packages allow you to update only the differences between two versions of a package without requiring a full re-download of the package by users. This is useful for large updates that affect the overall structure or functionality of your title. To use delta packages, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Modify the content files that you want to update in your title's folder on your PC. Make sure that these files match the ones specified in your mapping file.

Run MakePkg.exe with the -d parameter to create a delta package that contains only the differences between two versions of a package. The syntax for MakePkg.exe with -d is: MakePkg.exe -d <original_package> <new_package> <output_file>


  • -d specifies that a delta package will be created.

  • <original_package> specifies the path and name of the original package that you want to update.

  • <new_package> specifies the path and name of the new package that contains the updated content files.

  • <output_file> specifies the path and name of the output file that will contain the delta package.

For example, to create a delta package for MyGame.xvc using MyGameNew.xvc and MyGameDelta.xvc as output, you can run: MakePkg.exe -d MyGame.xvc MyGameNew.xvc MyGameDelta.xvc

  • Run Submission Validator.exe and select your title ID from the drop-down list. If you don't see your title ID, you can add it manually by clicking on the Add button and entering your title ID and name.

  • Select your delta package file from the Browse button and click on the Validate button. Submission Validator.exe will validate your delta package against Microsoft's requirements and generate a report that shows the validation results and any errors or warnings that may need to be fixed before submission.

  • Review the report and fix any errors or warnings that may prevent your delta package from being accepted by Microsoft. You can also view the details of your delta package, such as its size, files, metadata, etc., by clicking on the View Package button.

Once your delta package passes the validation, you can submit it to Xbox Live by clicking on the Submit button. Submission Validator.exe will upload y


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