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Christian Hall
Christian Hall


The flexibility lines and boxes allow in their positioning mechanism makes them particularly well-suited todrawing objects at points in the past that are detected a variable number of bars after the fact.


Below that, in lines 10 to 12, you use the if __name__ == "__main__" idiom. This code starts with the conditional statement if __name__ == "__main__" in line 10. In the indented lines, 11 and 12, you then collect user input and call echo() with that input. These two lines will execute when you run as a script from your command line:

When you run the file as a script by passing the file object to your Python interpreter, the expression __name__ == "__main__" returns True. The code block under if then runs, so Python collects user input and calls echo().

But when is __name__ equal to the string "__main__"? In the previous section, you learned that this is the case when you run your Python file as a script from the command line. While that covers most real-life use cases, maybe you want to go deeper.

You use this idiom when you want to create an additional entry point for your script, so that your file is accessible as a stand-alone script as well as an importable module. You might want that when your script needs to collect user input.

There are also other ways to collect user input directly from the command line. For example, you could create a command-line entry point for a small Python script with sys.argv and the name-main idiom:

You put the name-main idiom at the end of your script because the entry point for a Python script is always the top of the file. If you put the name-main idiom at the bottom of your file, then all your functions and classes get defined before Python evaluates the conditional expression.

As you learned earlier in the tutorial, there are fewer occasions to use the name-main idiom than you might expect. For most of those use cases, putting one of these conditional checks at the bottom of your script will be your best choice.

The basic range for a warp scrambler is significantly lower than that of a warp disruptor. For a tech 1 module the range is 7.5km and for a tech 2 module the range is 9km. The warpcore disabling strength of this module is 2 points. Faction variations of this module have increased range (out to 11.25km at most), and warpcore disabling strengths of 3 points. Warp scramblers also consume significantly less capacitor than warp disruptors.

Different variations of this module have different ranges, however in most cases the only variants used are T2 (20km), and True Sansha (21km). This module's range is also affected by the pilot's level in Heavy Interdiction Cruisers, and the script equipped (if any).

A warp disruption field is an area effect that stops all ships within it from using their warp drives. This field has effectively infinite warp disruption strength; no number amount of warp core stabilizers will allow a ship to warp out of a bubble, however all other movement and propulsion modules are not restricted. Warp disruption fields can only be used in null security space and wormholes. Because of their appearance, warp disruption fields are commonly referred to as "bubbles".

The so called "tackle frigates" are for most the entry point to tackling ships. These ships are fast, agile and have a hull bonus that reduces capacitor usage of webs, points and scrams by 80%. These ships are often used as initial "hero tackle" that flies to the enemy to hold them still while the rest of the fleet comes behind.

Heavy Interdictors are the big brothers of interdictors. These T2 cruisers field very high tank with their T2 resist profile and additional resist bonus. Their module of choice is the warp disruption field generator. With this module heavy interdictors can put up a warp disruption bubble at will (but may not be able to drop it at will, as the bubble's 30-second cycle cannot be cut short). Heavy Interdictors must take advantage of their high resistances, as they cannot receive allied remote repairs while their disruption generator is active. The warp disruption field generator can also be used with either disruption or scrambling scripts that turn the module into an infinitely strong long range point or scram.

The tech 1 version of the sensor booster boosts your scan resolution by 25%, while the tech 2 version boosts it by 30%. Sensor Boosters also increase your maximum targeting range, but that's less relevant to tackling. If you put a scan resolution script in the sensor booster (which you should in most cases, as the range will not be necessary), the scan resolution bonus doubles and the bonus to targeting range disappears. So you can get a 50% scan resolution bonus from the tech 1 booster and a 60% from the tech 2 version.

While a small shield extender will be easier to fit, a medium extender provides far more HP and is generally preferred. You may need to use a Micro Auxiliary Power Core in order to provide the powergrid to fit one. A Tech 1 medium shield extender gives you an additional 750 base shield hitpoints (most frigates have between 350 and 500 shield hitpoints to begin with, so that's a huge difference). A Tech 2 medium shield extender increases your base shield hitpoints by a huge 1050 HP!

No matter what else they do, a tackler should almost always fit a damage control in one of their low slots. This module can massively increase your effective hitpoints and has almost no drawback (it uses quite a lot of CPU, but that's it) - there is very little excuse not to use one.

In addition to the actual hitpoints, the high speed of the tackler frigate should help reduce the amount of damage that they take. It generally does not reduce it enough to prevent damage entirely - even on a specialised Tech 2 interceptor - however, combined with a few tanking modules it should keep them alive for longer. If the tackler has any low slots or rig slots left over after fitting the tank, it's a good idea to fill them with modules that enhance the tackler's speed (such as Overdrive Injectors or Small Auxiliary Thruster rigs).

Sensor boosters increase the scan resolution of the tackler's ship and thus allow them to lock a target faster and/or increase the locking range of their ship (depending on which script is used). A sensor booster makes sense if the tackler is fitting a warp disruptor, however it should not take precedence over tanking modules such as shield extenders.

Sensor boosters can increase either the tackler's targeting range or their locking speed (or both) depending on which script you load them with. While most frigates can already lock further than the maximum warp disruptor range (20-24km), the additional targeting range from a sensor booster can come in useful by allowing the tackler to start locking a target while they are still approaching them, and before they get into warp disruptor range. This means they can turn on your warp disruptor as soon as they get into range, instead of having to wait while they lock them first. The additional scan resolution will let the tackler lock targets faster, although a frigate will already lock pretty quickly. This is mainly useful when trying to catch targets coming through a stargate.

Some Attack frigates have a utility high slot that cannot be filled with a weapon due to a lack of hardpoints. If the enemy is expected to fit energy neutralisation modules, in this case, a nosferatu may be useful as a way to siphon off capacitor energy to maintain the tackler's warp disruptor.

NARRATOR: The challenge was to find events in nature thatalways occur at the same temperature and make them fixed points. At the lowerend of the scale, that might be ice just as it begins to melt; at the upper endit could be wax heated to its melting point.

Hehad several fixed points: he used a mixture of ice, water, and salt for hiszero degrees; ice melting in water at 32 degrees; and for his upper fixedpoint, the temperature of the human body at 96 degrees, which is close to themodern value.

Solet me show you what I mean by an identity crisis. When you go to lowtemperatures, the quantum mechanical properties of the atoms become important.These are very strange, very unfamiliar to us, but, in fact, each one of theseatoms starts to display wave-like properties. So instead of points, like that,you have little wave packets, like that, moving around. It's reallydifficult for me to explain just why that is, but that's the way it is.

SETHLLOYD: Getting to absolute zero is tough. Nobody'sactually been there at absolute 0.000000, with an infinite number of zeros.That last little tiny bit of heat becomes harder and harder to get out. And, inparticular, the timescales for getting it out get longer and longer and longer,the smaller and smaller the amounts of energy involved. So eventually, ifyou're talking about extracting an amount of energy that'ssufficiently small, it would indeed take the age of the universe to do it. Alsoyou, actually you'd need an apparatus the size of the universe to do it,but that's another story.

I am very happy using Fade-In as a second attempt at using screenwriting software. My first attempt was to use Celtx which was a nightmare with problems too varied to explain here. I ruined my laptop a couple months ago and had Fade in on it along with a script draft. I bought another laptop (an awful expense) and contacted Fade In support. I was given instant support by their downloading the program to include updates having only to use my code key. I paid for it once and get free updates. One time payment only. Using it is quite simple and takes very little time getting familiar with the keys for Scene Heading, Action, Character, Transition etc. I have printed four pages as a test script to see the results to ensure the results are correctly formatted and I was very happy to see the format was spot-on for all formatted processes, for which my test script had all that would be required under normal writing circumstances. If your budget will allow, I recommend Fade In. It is relatively short money compared to Final Draft et al and I think quite competitive. Cheers 041b061a72


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